Early Morning Headaches

If you wake with a headache, we have the solution.

"What time of the day do you most often get a headache?" is one of the questions we ask during an intake interview and on the Tuliv Migraine Profile. The answer reveals what is happening within the body to provoke a migraine.

 The most common answer is "in the early morning around 4 AM." Other prevalent times for migraines are: in the morning before 10 AM, afternoon between 2 and 4 PM, and later in the day for stress related migraines.  

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What Helps 4 AM Migraines

These time patterns actually coincide with natural hormone changes in the body. In this case for hormones we not just taking about the migraine inducing hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, but rather the other common hormones that are more closely linked to daily migraine occurrences. 

One such hormone is melatonin (sleep hormone) which actually start to secrete in the body around 4 PM and it stops around 4 AM. Even though it is evident that these times correspond to the pattern of migraines, by taking a closer look at how this hormone is involved in migraines helped us create the remedy for the control of migraines.

The level of melatonin in the body affects how other hormones function, namely the two major hormones that we discovered as the cause of migraines: Lutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (in both male and female bodies). These are hormones that have receptors in the cells that contain the known gene for migraines. Since we already know that fluctuations in the level of these hormones can invoke monthly cycle migraines in women, we understand how the hormone changes are the catalysts for daily times for migraines and create the remedy to keep you from having migraines.

Now that you know what is happening, you want to know what to do next? 

First, if you have not already done so, you need to get started by ordering Tuliv Migraine Defense for migraines. Second, if you are waking around 4 AM, then order Tuliv T-Night time-released melatonin to take for early morning migraines.

Call 1-866-367-5953 to visit with a migraine professional or click here to ask questions. There is no cost or obligation for our consulting services.

Migraine Defense Starter Kit

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Tuliv Ltd. Co. Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1466