Tuliv Migraine Library

    Migraine Triggers

    Knowing what triggers your migraines and understanding why they start can help eliminate some of your migraines. However, because there are both external and internal migraine triggers, it is virtually impossible to fully eliminate migraines by simply trying to avoid triggers.

    Migraine triggers are not the same thing as migraine cause. The cause of your migraines is found in the makeup of your DNA, which contains “migraine genes” that make you prone to migraines. Triggers, however, are the details that and processes that cause migraine headaches in people who are genetically susceptible to migraines.

    Internal Triggers. Because of your inherited migraine genes, certain natural functions of the human body can trigger a migraine. Hormone production is one type of internal migraine triggers. Other internal triggers include how the body naturally reacts to heat, exercise, and even weather changes.

    External Triggers. In addition to internal body processes that can trigger a migraine, there are certain external elements that can bring about a migraine attack. These triggers may vary for each person, but common triggers include smells, foods, artificial and natural ingredients, drinks, prescription drugs, and even health fads such as probiotics. There are also triggers that appear to be universal to all people who get migraines, or migraineurs. Red wine and MSG (monosodium glutatmate) appear to be universal migraine triggers.

    Eliminating Triggers. Since it is virtually impossible to eliminate and avoid all types of migraine triggers, the best solution for a migraine-free life may be found by taking a safe migraine preventive such as Tuliv Migraine Defense to prevent your migraine from ever happening.

    The NO Connection

    There are a number of both internal and external triggers that can bring on a migraine. However, a short equation can help simplify the process:  Nitiric Oxide + Tyramine = Migraine.  Nitric Oxide (NO) plus tyramine (from L-tyrosine) will give you a migraine headache. To put it simply, to avoid getting a migraine, don't elevate the levels of nitric oxide or tyramine in your body.

    This can become complicated for migraine sufferers who try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as many products considered good for your health are actually migraine triggers.

    Probiotics, for example, are considered to be helpful for digestion and gastrointestinal health. However, probiotic products raise the level of nitric oxide in the body and this triggers migraine headaches. 

    Similarly, health drinks and energy drinks often contain L-tyrosine which triggers migraine headaches. Read labels and stay away from products containing L-tyrosine and tyramine.

    Nitric Oxide (NO) is produced to expand blood vessels to deliver blood throughout the body for cooling during heat exposure and for muscle use during exercise. This is why many people develop migraine headaches after being in the sun, working out, or playing sports. Other factors that produce NO in the body include:

    • Ferment products, yogurt, cheese, and similar food products
    • Acidophilus and products containing acidophilus
    • Viagra and other male enhancement products

    Foods, Drinks and Products to Avoid.

    • Yogurt – contains high levels of acidophilus. If you eat yogurt to avoid yeast, consider taking Coral Calcium or Tuliv pH Balancer to help balance your pH and avoid yeast infections.
    • Probiotics – Often found in yogurt or supplements, probiotics increase NO, and many also contain tyramine. Try Tuliv pH Balancer, as described above, in order to prevent yeast without causing migraine.
    • MSG and foods containing MSG or “flavor enhancers.”
    • Protein Drinks, bars, and tablets that contain the amino acid L-tyrosine or claim to boost Nitric Oxide levels in the body.
    • Colon cleansing therapies that use acidophilus.
    • Sunless tanning products containing L-tyrosine.
    • Artificial sweeteners. Almost all products labeled “diet” contain artificial sweeteners.
    • Airborne and other cold and flu remedies containing glutamine and lysine.
    • Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in red wine and plants that many people take for its antioxidant properties.
    • Coffee and caffeine in excess of more than one or two drinks per day.

    Download your printable list of migraine triggers

    Read Labels and Ask Questions

    Learning to read labels can be one of the easiest ways to prevent migraines. Check the ingredients of everything you consume or put on your skin. Eileen suggests using the grandma rule: "If your grandmother didn't use it as an ingredient in her cooking, then why would you want to eat it now?"

    Before ordering food from a menu or a buffet, always ask if any of the foods contain MSG. If the server doesn't know, then get up and leave—don’t take a chance. When in doubt, don't eat it, whether the food in question is a restaurant entree or your best friend's favorite dish at the pot-luck dinner.

    Other Factors Contributing to Your Migraines

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Many women have been prescribed or use hormone replacement therapy (HRT), such as estrogen and progesterone, in attempts to control migraines or block the symptoms of menopause. These remedies for migraines are generally short-lived as the body readjusts to the added hormones. Adding hormones can actually result in an increase in migraine frequency and intensity. Unfortunately, the connection between adding hormones and increased migraines is not understood by most doctors or patients and HRT continues unchallenged. 

    Migraine Defense neither adds to nor depletes the body of any hormones. Migraine Defense works by preventing unwanted migraine producing chemicals from being released during times of hormone fluctuation. Tuliv Migraine Defense is safe to use anytime and does not alter the natural hormone activity of the body.

    Pharmaceutical Drugs

    Headache is a common side effect of many pharmaceutical drugs. Birth control pills and other hormone-based contraceptives top the list of drugs that cause or contribute to migraine problems. Although some doctors prescribe birth control pills or hormones as a possible way to prevent migraines, there is little evidence that these are reliable or long lasting solutions. 

    You should never take for granted that your doctor knows the side effects of a drug or that he or she has knowledge about how it affects a person with migraines. Don't be afraid to ask if he knows of any side effect that may result in a headache. Remember, you are the one who is paying the doctor to work for you. Just because it is prescribed by a doctor doesn't mean that it can't cause a migraine. 

    If you start a new drug and your head begins to hurt, more often than not, the drug is the cause of your new headache. Do not be easily persuaded that the drug is not the cause of your new headaches. Report side effects, ask questions, and tell your doctor you need a new solution if the one first prescribed triggers your migraines.

    Repairing the Long Term Effects of Migraines

    Migraines tax the body, and neck muscles and joints become tense, sore, and strained. Pain and tension are often misdiagnosed as the cause, rather than the result, of migraines. 

    To help with the after-effects of migraines, Migraine Defense contains Borage Oil, an ingredient used by the body to generate natural anti-inflammatories to relieve inflammation in the body. You can also order our Tuliv Evening Primrose Oil product to increase these anti-inflammatory effects.

    Triggers can be confusing

    Sometimes it is difficult to determine what is triggering your migraines and that is why we offer free migraine consulting. For example, do you know why you may wake up at 4 AM with a throbbing migraine? We do. Call us toll free at 1-866-367-5953 for personal migraine consulting or send an email to Questions@Tuliv.net.

The Tuliv Migraine Library has the information you need from A to Z

Tuliv Ltd. Co. Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1466