Tuliv MigraineDefense

Six Weeks to Success

The best way to get started toward a migraine-free life is by ordering our MigraineDefense Six-week Starter Package. Your starter kit includes a six week supply of Tuliv Migraine Defense plus a free bottle of Tuliv MD-Up, diary, online access to Your Own Migraine Profile as well as personalized consulting.

During the first two weeks Migraine Defense produces the building blocks in your system that will protect you against migraines. Although during this time you may start to see early signs of Migraine Defense starting to work in preventing your migraines, the process generally takes a few weeks before achieving noticeable results. Be patient, because during weeks three and four you should really begin to realize how well Migraine Defense is working to reduce and prevent your migraines.

Signs of Migraine Defense working that lead to success include headaches of shorter duration or less severe, headaches that seem to be forming but don't happen, your migraine abortive drugs (triptans) working faster, no headache on days when you would expect one, and of course longer stretches of no more headaches. 

By the end of the sixth week, we guarantee you will be happy with the difference Migraine Defense is making in your life.

Enjoy Life Again

There is no reason for you to continue to suffer.

You can be migraine-free for less than two dollars a day. For less than the price of a cup of coffee you can enjoy life again. 

Choose a better life. Choose Tuliv. Order Migraine Defense now.

The Tuliv Migraine Library has the information you need from A to Z

Tuliv Ltd. Co. Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1466