The Science - Why MD Works So Well

Natural Biology Makes MigraineDefense Work

Tuliv Migraine Defense has a high success rate because it works on the biological causes of migraines rather than dealing only with the symptoms. By combating the causes of migraines, this all natural migraine formula stops migraines before they can start.

Tuliv Migraine Defense works because it:

  • blocks production of migraine-producing chemicals,
  • breaks migraine patterns, including rebound headaches, and
  • creates biological defense against future migraines.

By controlling migraines, Tuliv Migraine Defense can give you a migraine-free life.

The Science

Cause of Migraine

For over a decade, migraine researchers have known the genetics of migraines and acknowledged the hormone connection to migraine occurrences. Today migraine science can safely say that most migraines occurring in men, women, and children result from changes in hormone production or happen at unpredictable times when influenced by other triggers.

After years of studying migraines, the researchers at Tuliv discovered how the factors of a migraine—including the chemicals, migraine gene, specific hormones and proteins, and external triggers—interact in the body to cause migraines. Understanding these interaction enabled them to further study how migraines can be controlled which led to development of the first migraine product designed to use the body's natural defense mechanisms against the actual cause to control migraines - Tuliv Migraine Defense.

Chemical Reactions are the Keys to Migraines

Although a migraine can be triggered internally or by an outside influence, the actual mechanism that causes a migraine headache is a combination of chemical reactions and synthesizing that results in the production and release of a neurochemical called CGRP.

CGRP causes the swelling of the blood vessels that are intertwined with tiny nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve located on both sides of the head. The result is a painful migraine headache with associated aura, nausea and vomiting.

Proper Approach to Migraines

Anti-CGRP. The best method of stopping migraines is not simply treating the symptoms, but rather a proactive approach that goes to the root cause of migraines to keep them from occurring. Controlling the production of the CGRP neurochemical is the proper approach to controlling migraine.

Tuliv Migraine Defense was developed to create an anti-CGRP product to control migraines. Today, biotechnology development companies including those in association with Eli Lilly have announced that they are working on producing a pharmaceutical to replicate the method as first defined by Tuliv. Thus far they have not been able to match the results of Tuliv Migraine Defense.

Your DNA

Why are you susceptible to migraines? The reason may be found in your DNA makeup as an inherited gene. This gene is found in the mitochondria of specific cells. These cells are the hormone producing cells for estrogen and progesterone in both men and women.

These cells receive their production orders from what are called messenger hormones that are produced and secreted by the pituitary gland.

How Do Hormones Cause Migraines?

Hormones themselves do not cause migraines, much in the same way that gasoline, in and of itself does not make a car go. Gasoline makes the engine run, which rotates the transmission gears, which makes the wheels turn. In a similar way, hormones start a reaction or a process that leads to a migraine.

To say that estrogen or progesterone is the cause of a migraine is a misunderstanding of the effect of hormones on migraines. This misunderstanding has led to the prescribing additional hormones as a treatment for migraines. We can readily see the adverse effect of hormones on migraine when we realize that birth control pills, which are hormones, often cause migraine headaches.

What Controls the Migraine Pattern?

Understanding a migraine is found by studying the path of a migraine from its beginning.

Migraines occur after specific messenger hormones are secreted from the pituitary gland into the blood stream and are received by the cells containing the migraine genes. For reasons that are still unknown, there is an adverse reaction in these cells that causes the production of the  neurochemical CGRP. CGRP is the chemical involved in a migraine headache and what abortive medications such as Imitrix target.

Mechanics of a Migraine 

Migraines occur outside the brain in what is called the trigeminal nerve vascular system. Those who have had migraine headaches can easily draw the path of this system as it starts at the temples and runs forward to branch out behind the eyes and down the jaw line. This system is comprised of hair-like nerve fibers that are intertwined with tiny blood vessels.

The pain of a migraine headache occurs when these tiny blood vessels dilate and begin to swell and expand to the point where they put pressure on the nerve endings. We often feel throbbing pain as the blood fills these vessels and they pinch nerves.

The neurochemical CGRP causes the blood vessels to dilate and expand. To make matters worse, when the nerve fibers become irritated, they react in a way that can cause an increase in the level of CGRP in a round-robin effect that increases the pain level and the duration of a migraine attack.

To learn more see the Tuliv Migraine Research page.

Hormone Patterns Become Migraine Patterns

Even though hormones are exactly the same for men and women, it is easier to see the hormonal cause of migraines in women than in men because of women’s monthly menstrual cycle.

Menstrual cycles are controlled by the pituitary gland. Remember this is the gland that secretes the messenger hormones that are received by the cells containing the migraine gene that starts the production of CGRP.

There is nothing wrong with the pituitary gland or the hormones; rather, it is what occurs after these hormones, mainly LH and FSH for both men and women, are received by the specialized cells that contain the migraine gene.

In addition to hormones from the pituitary gland, Tuliv research has also identified two other glands and hormones involved in triggering migraines. The pineal gland secretes melatonin, and the adrenal gland secretes cortisol. Melatonin is involved in migraines that occur around 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Cortisol is related to stress headaches and possibly morning migraines.

Tuliv research found that migraine attacks directly correlate with the patterns of hormone secretions that occur in the body at various times of day, during the course of a month, and at various stages of life. For more information, see Migraine Patterns.

Natural Cause, Natural Solution

Understanding the involvement of hormones in migraines and their effect on migraine patterns provided Tuliv researchers the insight needed for the development of the first and only migraine product that addresses the natural cause of migraines - Tuliv Migraine Defense. This all-natural migraine formula works on the causes of migraines. It does not attempt to treat the symptoms of migraines; rather, it keep s them from ever starting.

Break the Cycle and Live Pain Free

Now that you have a better understanding of what is happening in your body to cause your migraines, we encourage you to visit with us about your migraines.

You can speak with a migraine care specialist by calling 1-866-367-5953 (outside the US call 405-692-4395). All calls are considered personal and confidential and there will be no pressure to buy anything. This service is free of charge with no obligation.

You may also contact us online.

The Tuliv Migraine Library has the information you need from A to Z

Tuliv Ltd. Co. Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1466