Tuliv Migraine Library

    Stop Gaining Weight During Menopause

    Perimenopause and HRT Can Add Pounds - there is a solution.

    The weight gain is an issue for women in perimenopause. Premenopausal weight gain is partly the result of the widely fluctuating estrogen levels. As the estrogen production of ovaries falls, your body turns to secondary production sites, including body fat, skin, and other organs. When your body is struggling with hormonal balance, body fat becomes more valuable and it starts to store it.

    The fight not to gain weight during perimenopause becomes a complicated process. During this time, many women endure mood swings and emotional issues that are often at the root of unhealthy eating habits. Fear and changing relationships place a woman under tremendous stress which can lead to chronic inflammation and a metabolic disorder called adrenal imbalance.

    For those worried about weight gain and adrenal imbalance associated with menopause, our Tuliv Energy capsules provide the solution. Tuliv Energy is a metabolic diet and adrenal support formula for weight control. In addition, it helps fight the daily fatigue that so many women suffer during this stage of life.

    Taken daily, Tuliv Energy can help you feel better and shed pounds. Because it is natural and safe, you can also take extra whenever you need a boost of energy.

    Order Tuliv Energy today and feel the difference it makes in your life.

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