Tuliv Migraine Library

    Increase In Migraine Frequency

    For many people, the onset of migraines begins around the time of puberty and adheres mainly to the general migraine pattern throughout their lives. Others may not be affected by migraines until after puberty or much later, probably around the age of 40.

    Women have additional conditions that can initiate the onset and progression of migraines including menstrual cycles, birth control pills, post-pregnancy, and hysterectomy. Men and women can both be affected by adding hormones to their bodies as they change the natural balance and rhythms of life.

    Many changes in migraine patterns are related to the age of the person as we have noted above. One rather predictable pattern change, regardless of sex or early life pattern of migraines, occurs sometime around the age of 40 (give or take five years).

    During this time most migraineurs will experience a progressive worsening of the migraine problem, including an increase in the frequency, severity, and duration of migraines. As this progression continues, the pattern eventually may transform into one of chronic daily migraines.

    Tuliv Migraine Research was the first to define these patterns in relation to hormone production cycles in the body. It is important to note here that we are not talking about the amount of hormones in the body, rather, it is the hormone production process that we are focusing on as it relates to the migraine pattern.

    This research went on to identify the pituitary gland as the primary director of the cyclical and lifetime patterns of migraines. Therefore, when we at Tuliv talk about hormonal migraines, we are talking about how the events of hormone production cause migraines.

    It was these discoveries and the understanding of the relationship between hormones and migraines that helped in the development of the first migraine prevention formula to directly address the natural cause of migraines - Tuliv Migraine Defense. For more information, see Tuliv Migraine Patterns.

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