Tuliv Migraine Library

    Botox Virtually Worthless for Migraines

    BOTOX® is Virtually Worthless for Migraine Headaches

    Have you wondered how effective Botox treatment for migraines really is?

    Below is the actual text from Botox. The way it is written it makes it sound like Botox significantly reduces migraine headaches. However, what it is actually saying is that the best result you can expect is to achieve is just two fewer headaches per month after taking very expensive, time consuming, treatments for 24 weeks (half a year). After six months of treatments you might eliminate one or two headaches each month.

    "BOTOX® is proven to significantly reduce headache days every month. BOTOX® therapy is injected by a doctor every 12 weeks. It may take a few weeks to see a response. In clinical trials, patients showed a response at their 4-week evaluation. After 2 treatments (at 24 weeks), BOTOX® was proven to reduce up to 9 headache days each month vs up to 7 for placebo." (1, 2) - From official Botox web site: botoxchronicmigraine.com/botox-results.

    Keep in mind that Botox is only making this claim for those having more than 15 headache days each month, For anyone suffering from less than 15 a month, Botox reports there are no results. (3) In other words, it cannot show any help at all for migraineur suffering from less than 15 a month.

    Check the facts. Do the easy math to see the true results. Subtract 7 (the placebo - you doing nothing) from 9 (after 24 weeks of Botox treatments) and you have only two fewer headache days per month with Botox. Virtually worthless. If you did nothing at all for your migraines, in any given month you might have one or two less anyway. Having said that, I don't want to dismiss having two less migraines a month - for many - two less headaches is a mighty blessing.

    These would deplorable results if it were not for the fact that they are selling to people like you who are living a painful life suffering from migraines. And they are expecting you to make several trips to a doctor for treatments and wait 24 weeks for the possibility of two less headache days a month. Even if it cost you nothing, you are getting little or no return.

    Considering the cost, time and agony spent for 24 weeks (6 months) of Botox treatments, with the possibility of getting two less days per month, the use of Botox seem unjust when compared with the results of Tuliv Migraine Defense. Treatment studies have shown that after taking Migraine Defense continually for six weeks, clients can expect up to a 50% reduction in the number of headaches a month, and after 24 weeks, there may be up to a 90% or more reduction in migraines. Think about it - you can break free of the hold migraines have on your life by taking Tuliv Migraine Defense daily to prevent your headaches.

    Tuliv Migraine Defense is delivered to your door with free shipping at a cost of less than two dollars per day*.

    Tuliv Migraine Defense is safe without side effects. Its 12 years history of success speaks for itself.

    Guaranteed Results. Tuliv Migraine Defense has a money back satisfaction guarantee. No guarantee or money back is offered by Botox or administering doctors.

    Order Tuliv Migraine Defense today and get started on your way to a life without migraines.

    * Shipping is free on auto-ship. No contracts. Monthly auto-ship service. Full cost refund on all unused returned products.



    1. Source: Email marketing campaign for Botox
    2. Source: https://www.botoxchronicmigraine.com/botox-results/?cid=EML_MG_0_115721203
    3. Source: http://www.allergan.com/assets/pdf/botox_pi.pdf

    After posting this on Facebook, we received the following comments:

    Tammy-Richard Cheek  I have had  three sets of the 30 injections over the past 12 months and it has done absolutely nothing for my headaches!!January 7 at 3:44pm

    Molly Regan Easter I got Botox for my migraines and it just added to my migraines it burned and triggered them. That is just me when I stopped after about a year I got fewer migraines. but it was so disappointing. January 7 at 3:44pm

    Sharon Merriman I had botox for a year with no success. I had the opcipital nerve blocks too, I have never found an answer January 7 at 6:15pm

    Denise L Meddings I have taken Botox treatment for over a year and I have quality of life again. I can get out of bed again. Not every migraine sufferer is the same ... What works for one may not work for another. Without Botox, I had lost all hope. January 6 at 5:00pm

    Robin Dotson Is it possible to ever stop having migraines all together? Even though I do all I can to prevent the triggers for migraines,I still get them for no reason. I've learned through the years what my triggers are,and avoid them and can still get a migraine. I've considered Botox but think now that I shouldn't do it since the results are not enough,besides I hate hate hate needles. January 6 at 12:12pm

    Patti Cipriani-carroll With chronic migraines , EVERY little bit helps, when you have one 24 / 7a few days of relief is heaven January 6 at 4:42pm

    Coyote Kazarinoff 2 friends took Botox and it nearly killed them, his wife will never be right again. I'll take the migraines. Get off gluten, it does lessen the migraines dramatically. Try higher doses of magnesium and for god sakes, stop eating Monsanto's GMO and processed foods. Too many chemicals for us, eat as clean as you can, including your meats, grass finished. January 8 at 11:34am

    Gail Randall Daigler What are the ingredients in your products? Never mind I just found that info. January 8 at 11:32am

    Carole Merando Littlefield I have been getting Botox for 3 yrs now and it's helped me , and for chronic migraines even if it's just 2 less one month , when you're in pain daily that's a huge relief January 8 at 11:28am

    Michelle Erickson I had one round of Botox done and regret it.Ended up in the Emergency Room 3 days later very ill due to an adverse reaction.Now patiently waiting for it to get out of my system! January 7 at 10:21am

    Dawn Gillilan All I got from botox shots for migraines was a droopy left eye for 3 months.. January 7 at 8:50pm

    Shelly M Sharpless It did not help mine. I had a horrible reaction. It hit my autoimmune system. All the lymph nodes in my neck and head were enlarged seen by ct scan. I had a lymph node and part of a salivary gland removed to rule out cancer and confirm it was the Botox...See More January 7 at 9:42pm

    Mirna Davids I get Botox injection for my migraine every 3 months it helps me a little bit January 7 at 1:13pm

    Chrissy Schultz It didn't help me. In fact I had a bad batch I had to hold my head up to talk to eat everything. I had no muscle control in my neck from the botox. After I got it done 2 weeks later the batch I had was recalled. But glad to hear it works for others after my experience I wouldn't try it again. January 6 at 11:11pm

    Becky Gaffer Loe Sorry to say it didn't help mine!so glad it helps some! January 6 at 6:50pm

    Lourinda Craig My probiotic and magnesium supplement took care of mine. January 7 at 10:58pm

    Kerry Petermann Amy Will-Prellwitz...what is your opinion on this? January 7 at 5:36pm

    Alicia Walker He'll no it made me worse and sick January 7 at 11:49pm

    Lorie Dolan Frank You got that right January 8 at 9:01am

    Susie Robinson Ferraro Didn't work for me made mine worse January 8 at 8:03am

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