Pyridoxine HCI (Vitamin B-6 form)
Vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of body proteins and structural compounds, including chemical transmitters in the brain. Vitamin B6 is also critical in maintaining hormonal balance and proper immune function. Vitamin B6 is essential for protein metabolism, energy production, and normal brain function. The nervous and immune systems need vitamin B6 to convert tryptophan (an amino acid) to niacin (Vitamin B3).

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) is involved in the production of brain hormones (neurotransmitters). More than 50 chemical processes in the body are dependent on pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 levels can be low in those suffering from depression or in women taking estrogen in the form of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. Studies on Vitamin B6 have shown it to be of value in preventing migraines especially those associated with hormone regulation.

Recent studies have found vitamin B6 intake to be “significantly inversely related” to inflammatory levels. Those with the highest vitamin B6 blood levels (177 nanomoles/Liter, corresponding to a vitamin B6 intake of 18.6 grams per day) had 42% lower levels of the inflammatory protein CRP compared to those with the lowest vitamin B6 blood levels. Homocysteine levels were also 14% lower in the highest group vs. the lowest group and the inflammatory proteins called cytokines were 20% lower in the highest B6 group vs. the lowest.